Friday, 25 February 2022

Lupine Publishers| Rob’ autism Project: Social Learning at the Center of the Therapy

 Lupine Publishers| Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering


Rob Autism project was started in 2014, it aims at setting a therapy support for ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) teenagers based on robot and culture mediation. The center of the therapy support is on the notion of liance, the capacity to build and destroy links with the environment. Three points were addressed to restore liance: individual, collective and social liance. The results show a redefinition of the subjects’identity and their legitimacy as members of the society. The experiments were organized in 20 working sessions of 1 hour and involve six teenagers and three robots; the program is concluded with a final public show restituting a robotic play designed during the working sessions. Up to now, four groups were studied (24 participants in total).

Keywords: Rob ‘Autism; Autistic Spectrum Disorder; Social Learning; Robot; Programming


Using robots as mediators in therapy support of children and teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been performed for five decades. The first official project was lead by Dautenhahn and Werry in the 90s 5, with the Aurora project. They propose four robotic platform to study the behavior of ASD children facing a robot, from the observation that ASD candidates had a natural attraction to electronics (tablets, computers, robots or other machines). Dautnhahn and Werry developed the robot companion paradigm (Robots as so- cial actors), where the robot has preprogrammed functions to behave like a human being. It was used to solicit an interlocutor to perform a given exercise concluded by congratulations (successful answer) or request to do again (wrong answer). The12 Insert Authors’ Names here robot would either face a single child (communication skills), or a group of children (reproduction of movements).The companion robot paradigm was accepted by all researchers since then, and companies develop software to improve it, to make it behave more like a human being, like a friend, a tutor, a teacher or a protector. The studies focused on different aspects of the exercises to be performed to improve specific skills like communication, behavior, motion, and so on [1-5]. Many researchers also studied the aspect this companion robot should have (humanoid vs. non humanoid), should it need articulated language or just generate sounds, lights and color. Several robots were designed specifically for these studies, which could not be reproduced by other researchers (nor approaches compared, as a consequence) because the robots were not easy to obtain, expensive and needed specific robotic skills. In 2009, Softbank Robotics released the NAO robot which allowed many research teams to work with an affordable robots, the robots being the same in the different team (the effect of the appearance of the robot disappeared and comparison of the approaches were more realistic). New exercises and solicitations for the ASD children were developed to improve therapy support based on the companion robot [1,3]. Still, no current answer exists to the following question: how do we replace the robot by a human being and obtain the same reactivity with the human than with the robot?
The rob’ Autism project was initiated in 2014, proposing an alternative to the companion robot paradigm. We have called it the extension robot paradigm, in which the ASD person programs the robot to make it act on his / her behalf. The operator becomes at the same time actor and spectator of his actions, remaining protected behind the (rigid) body of the robot. In this approach, the operator is not solicited by the robot, but becomes an acting person in the world. This paper addresses the definition of a social individual to explain a possible approach to use robotic mediation in therapy support for ASD teenagers, pointing that the robot allows modifications of an individual but does not operate the modifications. Then the therapy must be worked out carefully to accompany the subject to rebuild his identity. Section 2 presents the specific points of an individual definition that are used to design the therapy support, section 3 describe the context of the experiments. Section 4 focuses on the three levels of liance that are worked out during the 21 workshops of the program, sections 5 analyzes the obtain results.

Between the Self and the World

An individual is that which exists as a distinct entity within a group. It is a person separate from other people and possessing his or her own needs or goals, rights and responsibilities. Insert Paper’s Title here 3 The frontier between the self, defined according one’s frame, and the world (the non-self), results from a complex process which relies on several notions such as envelop, linking / delinking dynamics, otherness and selfhood. This frontier is changing, in the sense that it can be affected by external events (the making, adaptation to the environment) or by internal events (the being, search for balance). It guarantees a subtle and fragile balance of the individual, as it is permanently crossed by a flow of information from outside-in and from inside-out. The frontier leads to the definition of identity, which is studied by numerous research areas: psychoanalyze, psychology, sociology, anthropology, semiotic, and so on. The individual can be separate in two parts: a part that constitutes it, and a part that allows it to (inter)act. Its constitution includes two elements [1] a fixed, rigid and structured frame leading to a set of unchangeable rules, knowledge and certainties [2] a strong-dynamics built from a numerouscollisions between realities and imaginary, with a role of balancing regulation (sensibility). The permanent movement is essential as it has a balancing regulation role (the sensitivity). In this dual situation fixed frame / dynamic motion, the constituted individual evolves in a half-space: mobile and immobile, at the same time.

Interaction is based on perception and involves the notion of liance. It is a balance between reliance and defiance. The reliance is the capability to establish links with the world (transduction). It is said that it cannot happen without mediation. dalliance is defined as “non-reliance”, and groups the capabilities to destroy links with the world. The permanent flow of data between the individual and the world is regulated by his/her capability to voluntarily create and destroy links with other social individuals or objects. The rules constituting the frame can evolve with the equilibrium between reliance and defiance, it is the social learning process. This learning is made difficult in case the reliance deliance events are too numerous, in which situation a rigid frame cannot exist; and this too permanent dynamics generates anguish. The notion of temporality is also important here, as the notion of time can only be difined with an adequate identity definition, i.e. in a rigid, existing and identified frame. A robot is defined in a half-space from its design: inanimate and animate, at the same time. Real and imaginary, at the same time. A robot is a mediator, it connects to the individual through his / her capability of reliance. Moreover, the robot offers a simplified, rigid framework in which some actions can be performed, which is reassuring for the user, who feels safe when interacting. The robot is particularly adapted for ASD support, but the robot does not itself operate the change: it takes the operator / interlocutor in its halfspace with the feeling of safety that frees the capability of social learning. When the operator / interlocutor is in the half-space, he / she can be reached by a therapy. The work we proposed in the Rob’Autism project, and present thereafter, consists in rebuilding the liance to redefine an individual with ASD, from face-to-face discussions to group and society acknowledgment as a person.

Rob’Autism Project

Rob’Autism is a multidisciplinary project linking medical, social sciences, arts, robotics and computer sciences fields. It was born in 2014, and is a collaboration Nantes (school of engineering) and the non-profit organization
Robots! (Robotics and arts). The project is supported by private organizations mentioned in the thanks section. Rob’Autism consists in a therapy support for teenagers with ASD; it lasts 21 weeks and it is based on voluntary interactions between participants and the world using robots as prostheses in communication. The participants program the robots to make them do or say whatever they want, within the techno- logical limits of the machine. The robotics and non-robotics workshops, as well as global organization and observed results of the program, were described in [4-10].

The Robot Extension Paradigm

Rob’Autism program proposes several originalities in comparison to classical ap- proaches, among them the fact that the robot is not used as a companion. The robot is not making any pre-programmed solicitation to a participant, but the par- ticipants program it and use it as an extension of themselves. through the robot, they can safely interact with the world. They do not behave as followers, but as actors. They transfer their own creativity into the world, and their creativity, their contribution to the world is recognized by the world. This allows them to differentiate what acknowledge (the world) and what generates (the self), identify the parties and have a better view of their frontier. When the companion robot paradigm pre- vents from closing on oneself, the extension robot paradigm offers an opening to the world, redefining identity and replacing the individual at the center of the action. As previously mentioned, the robot does not operate the change in the operator / interlocutor. But the use of a robot is fundamental (particularly humanoid robot), as it places the operator / interlocutor in a halfspace in which he / she can be more easily reached by a therapy.

Subjects and Material

24 subjects, distributed in four groups of six ASD teenagers aged from 11 to 16 years old participated in this experiment: one group per year from 2014 to 2018 (21 boys and 3 girls). All subjects’ parents gave written informed consent before entering the study. The 24 subjects had some ability to read and write, but not all of them were going to school for their education. They were all familiar with the use of a computer. Some had met the other participants and workshop staff before the program started, and some discovered them at the first session of the program. There was no selection on a specific kind of autism. During one complete program All the robotic sessions happen in the same room, and all the non-programming sessions happen in a same room too, but different from the programming sessions. The program uses 3 humanoid robots NAO from Softbank Robotics. The robots are programmed by the subjects using the software interface Choregraphe, which is the classical programming interface sold with the robots (i.e., no specific software was used for the programming). Let us remark that that software language is English whereas the participants were not familiar with this language. For each session, except from the 6 participants, 5 people attended (always the same during one complete program): three nurses who helped the participants focusing on the exercises and shared the discovering with them. The nurses had a quick training on using the robot before the programs started. One animator was also present in the room: either a robot specialist for the programming sessions, or a sound specialist for the nonprogramming sessions. At last, one supervisor led the program and attended all the sessions (programming and nonprogramming), dealt with the families, organized the operational part of the whole experimental program.

Program organization

Rob’Autism is organized in 20 sessions of 1 hour each, once in a week, and is concluded by a public show where external people are invited. The 20 sessions alternate 10 non-robot programming and 10 robot programming work sessions 10. Here, a framework was defined and strictly respected during the complete program: A music was played before a session starts (always the same), another at the end of the session, the positions of the tables, chairs and robots were always the same when the teenagers arrived, the working staff was unchanged for the whole program.

Robot Mediation Used to Improve Reliance

Communicating is a bilateral notion which supposes to give something (object, feeling, etc.) to someone and accept something from someone. It is the first sign of recognition as an individual by the outside world and a classical way of exchanging with others, according to one’s definition of others. It cannot be performed when the function allowing to identify the self and the other is damaged, such as in ASD. As a consequence, the capability of communicating can be a way to evaluate the ASD subjects’ evolution. During a program, communicating with others is dealt with on three different levels of liance: individual, group and social links will be worked out. We will describe in what follows each level of liance and their respective observed impact on the subjects’ behaviors [6].

Individual liance

Individual liance takes place with a person, an object (animated, such as a com- panion robot) or an animal. It consists of both giving to and receiving from. As mentioned previously, the participants work by binomials, so each can program the robot during a given time (not fixed, according to the needed time to complete the exercise) and have to let their binomial also program the robot until they have finished their exercise. The subjects here never exchange anything with the robot itself, as it is considered as a machine and not as an intentional character. During the Rob’Autism program, the interaction with the world focuses on people and not on machines, the robot is a tool allowing a protected way to tell and do things to the others [7-9]. Alternate programming of the robot is at first a difficult exercise. The reactions, not to share, are such as holding firmly the keyboard or the mouse, while screaming or protesting loudly, then become sending black and disagreeing looks. A first behavior is not to give any interest on what the binomial is programming, trying to get the attention by doing something else that needs attention from the nurse, holding the nurse from helping the binomial to complete his/her programming. Programming the robot is closely linked to catching another’s attention and focus. Letting the binomial program generates a stress that cannot be controlled by the teenager alone.
This situation can be controlled if the exercises are short enough and can be performed several times in a session: when the teenager is allowed to go back to programming quickly enough, the acceptance of individual exchange starts while the stress lowers. The experimentation shows that 10 minutes exercises (each teenager goes back three times to programming the robot during one session) is a good com- promise between long enough exercise for elaboration, focus time of the programmer and attention delay of the waiting binomial. An evolution of the behaviors between the binomials is observed.

In the Case of Three Programming Exercises Each Per Session:

a) At first, the other binomial is rejected and attention of the nurse is at- tempted to be monopolized. Observed stress reduction can be seen within the very first robotic session, when the participant is allowed to program again once the binomial has finished.
b) Curiosity to what the binomial is programming appears between the second and the fourth robotic sessions, depending on the participant. A progression was observed (same for all the participants) in showing curiosity: first is an attention to what the other has programmed by watching the robot perform only at the end of an exercise; second is to look directly what the other is programming on the computer, during the exercise; third is to interact with Insert Paper’s Title here [7] the binomial and help realizing the performance: give opinion, give advice, explain programming, help with insuring robot security, help with holding the robot in a configuration while the binomial is registering it.
c) Complete acceptance of relying on the other is observed from the third robotic session for all the subjects (no stress observed with the guaranty to program again in a short time).
d) The progression in individual liance continues over the 20 workshop of the pro- gram, we mentioned the main observation points of the changes. The binomials positioning for individual liance is side by side, the center of attention of the liance is the computer and the robot. Individual liance impacts two factors for a partic- ipant: from pleasuring the self to accepting delayed pleasure of the self; and from monopolizing one’s attention despite one other to generating an interaction with one other. In the experiment, the framework is insured: when the participants enter the room, they find the three work stations in the same configuration, the present people are always the same, the manner the exercises are explain do not change. The only changes are the content of the exercises and the working pairs (different binomial at each session). This helps constituting the group as a sort of mini society. Individual liance is the most difficult one, as it needs constant contact and attention in time, which is a demanding exercise for the ASD participants.

Group Liance

At the end of each exercise, the three binomials are asked to stop all activities to show and watch what was performed. Each demonstration is concluded by group applause. Two types of communication exercises are realized with the robot: tell / show the others about something personal, including programming abilities, or address someone in particular with a personal message. The robot is allowed any kind of message, including the use of “forbidden words” (slang and insults) 10. Here, the timing is important: whatever time is needed to conclude the exercise, the groups have to wait until the three are ready to perform all the demonstrations. Group liance takes place faster than individual liance, as the attention is more localized in time. The teenager can work his/her program in a hidden way from the others, and shows his/her demonstration during a short time to the others, still hidden as the group is watching the robot (not the programmer). This focus in time makes it easier to handle than individual liance, which takes place in a constant manner during the complete session.

The Effects of Group Liance can be Observed from the very first Robotics Session:

First exercise the participant programs the robot because and how it is asked. (then shows to others, then applause from others, then watch others’ programming, then waiting time for the binomial to do the exercise) Second exercise the participant programs the robot because he/she has curiosity on how the robot behaves [8- 11]. (then shows to others, then applause from others, then watch others’ programming, then waiting time for the binomial to do the exercise) Third exercise the participant programs the robot for the others and expects the positive reaction from the others [11- 13]. The positive reactions appear through the applause, which validates the creation of the participant. This process transforms the participant through the robot mediator from a person to an individual. He/She is identified by the group as a contributor of the mini-society built in the framework of this project. The participant discovers the pride of showing to others and to exist as a social being. During the first robotics session, the candidates try the robot. they are still shy, they do not know what will please the others. They can only get their attention using the robotic mediation. From the third robotics session, they know each other much better and start communicating with the others through the robot actions. Its sayings will mention points that interest another participant (who is in another binomial), or their robot will answer another robot which had previously talked. The positioning for group liance is each binomials facing the two other binomials, the center of attention are the respective robots. The effects of group liance address the notion of intentionality: the participants learn how to project themselves in time to please other beings in order to be pleased by their reactions. The group is never changed during the complete program. Its constitution is fixed, part of the frame. Some people may be accidentally missing, participant or accompanying person, but no new face is included in the program until the social liance.

Social Liance

Social liance is performed only once, at the end of the program: the artistic creation realized during the sessions is publicly shown. The public consists in around thirty persons: they may be known or unknown by the participants, but they all represent “the outside world”. A scene is set up for the show, on which the programmed robot will make its performance. The six participants sit directly in front of the scene, facing it. The rest of the public sits in the back of the six participants. It is the first time that the participants discover their complete show: before that event, they had seen only small parts of it while they were creating it. As a consequence, they discover their creation at the same time as the public, which generates a situation of shared experience in this new assembly. Discovering the global result of putting together known small actions leads to living an experience that is at the same time known and unknown. The separate small actions are recognized but take a complete new appearance when all put together, the story shows a new meaning. More than the meaning, the participants [9] realize at this moment the extent of their small contributions. The ascertainment of the greatness of their creation is directly linked to the pride of what they have made. The link leads to realizing how to generate something great step by step, which is equivalent to making a projection in time. Let us recall here that time projection is particularly lacking with the participants, at the beginning of Rob’Autism pro- gram. They hardly can focus more than five minutes in the first robot programming session, whereas they can focus the complete hour after four robotics session 10. As a consequence of the small concentration time they have, time projection cannot happen. At the end of the program, their mind is equipped with longer concentration times. They can start making time projections. This is done at the show restitution.

Acknowledgment from the public follows the show, with applause. This acknowledgment validates their being part of the society: they are officially recognized as contributors by unknown people who represent “the outside world”; it is equivalent to an initiatory introduction in the society (recognition by the pairs). From this moment on, they can exist as social individuals, and not only as unidentified persons.
Following the show, but questions from the public are also answered by the accompanying people of the project. During the questions, the participants stay sit and listen. They do not interfere even though there is no doubt they are present in the scene. Social liance is concluded by a drink and cakes served at a table and shared by all: public, participants and accompanying people. The participants stay voluntarily in the room and depending on the group mix with the society or stick together, reforming the group for talking and laughing.

Analysis and Complementary Results

The results observed in the Rob’Autism program are qualitative. Up to now, they are based on observation (the working sessions are monitored) and the program is adapted to the tracked group of teenagers. Four groups of six teenagers with ASD were studied, all of them reacted the same way as described in the previous section. We give precisions here to points of the program that are important for obtaining the results: Before a working session starts: The beginning of the working session are organized in a way so that all the participants enter the room together. This means a meeting space is organized outside the room, where the participants arrive one by one until the group is complete. During this meeting, where the parents do not attend (they drop their child and go), the group can be formed again, and they start communicating together. Once they have all arrived, they knock at the working session door, and the animator opens the door. The participants enter one by one in the room, greeting the animator [10] (always the same) by saying hello and shaking hands. The group meeting outside the room allows the participants to enter the room already in the group mode, so they can focus immediately on the mini society. Vocal synthesis: there is a strong temptation to play with the vocal synthesis, not in the objective to communicate with the world. Putting letters in random order and testing the sounds coming out of the robot, improving the shape of the sound until the operator is satisfied with it and ready to make it listen to the others. Here, playing with the vocal synthesis or using it to communicate (with organized sentences carrying a voluntary message) has very different effect on the participant. No progress is made with the playing. They enjoy it, it makes them work, they look for the group sharing moment, but they do not improve voluntary communication. Training of the accompanying staff: During the robotics working session, three nurses are dedicated to helping the participants to focus on the exercises, one per binomial. So three people work in each binomial. The accompanying staff was slightly trained during 12 hours before the program starts, on how to program the robot. The accompanying staff is not competent in robotics (medical staff mainly), and the training allows two situations: a) autonomy for the simplest requests: where to find the “say” box for example, how to connect the boxes, how to send the signal to the robot, and so on. In this situation the link between participants and accompanying per- son is based on pedagogy (individual sharing). b) need for help for the more advanced functions, in that case participants and accompanying person are in the same situation and have to deal with the unknown situation (group sharing). Applause the applause stabilizes the working progress of the liance, it generates satisfaction and pleasure that become an objective for the participant. Applause represents the acknowledgment of the individual’s contribution to the group / society. The contribution is Rob’Autism context is never discussed nor oriented. As an example, one of the candidate only wanted to make the robot count endless, taping 1 and making the robot say it, then taping 2 and let the robot say it, then taping 3 and let the robot say it, and so on. The participant’s contribution in this case is to make the robot count up to ten, then generate the applause. After some time, the participant accepted to use the vocal synthesis for other formulations with sentences, and communicate with different intentions than just making the robot count. The effects of Rob ’Autism program on the participant concern an appeasement of the participants’ anguish. The common observation concerned the concentration times and voluntary communication. The concentration time evolved from 5 consecutive minutes in the first robotic workshop to the complete hour after four robotic workshop. Nevertheless, the working time during one robotic workshop was limited to 45 minutes, leaving 15 minutes for playing: making the robot talk and communicating with the others through the robot. The voluntary communication starts taking place when the group is formed and identified by the participants, when they have been able to observe the others, see their contribution and showed their own contribution to them. Not using the robot to give personal impression starts in average at the seventh robotic session. Concerning the anguish, each participant has different symptoms: crises, mutilation, mutism and other isolation behaviors, screaming, absence, mirror behaviors, search for containment, and so on. Evaluation was performed with the participation of the parents of the participants, who observed a reduction in the manifestations of anguish at home or outside the home 10 [14].


The robot extension paradigm was addressed in this paper, in a complex experiment with ASD teenagers. The participants programmed the robot, using it as a prosthesis in communication, and were accompanied to improve stabilizing liance with the world. To do so, they first identified their self and differentiated it from the world (the not self), rebuilding their frontier to the world and redefining their identity. Three levels of liance were worked out: individual liance, dealing directly with another participant over time; group liance that allowed identifying one’s contribution to the group and acknowledging recognition of the contribution from the group; and social liance with the restitution of the robot play that was realized during the 20 workshops of the program in front of an external public, and concluded with applause. The results observed on the participants show longer concentration times, better voluntary communication and appeasement of the anguish (decreased symptoms, such as self-mutilation, mutism, screaming, absence, mirror behaviors, and so on). The next step of this study is to perform a regular evaluation of the participants to quantify their evolution.
Rob’Autism project results from a collaboration between Centrale Nantes and the non-profit organization Robots! Human, material and financial supports to this project were also provided by the following institutions and companies: RFI OIC, Faculty of speech specialists (Hospital of Nantes), Softbank Robotics, Soprabanking, Foundation Terre Plurielle, ADN’Ouest, Lion’s Club, AG2R La Mondiale, Caisse d’Epargne and EPSI.

 Read More Lupine Publishers Robotics Journal Articles: 

Friday, 18 February 2022

Lupine Publishers| Design and Fabrication of Robotic Vacuum Cleaner with Blower Unit

 Lupine Publishers| Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering


Hygiene is the most important factor for a clean and healthy lifestyle. A clean surrounding contributes a greater aspect for a good health. So, it is necessary to keep the surroundings neat and clean. There are many types of equipment which reduces the efforts of humans in cleaning. Here comes the scope of the floor cleaning and drying equipment for household purposes. This project is to design and fabricate such a machine at an easy affordable price for usage in at every house. The floor cleaning device which we have designed is more compact and smaller in size than the usual model you see in the market. This floor cleaner comes with a vacuum cleaner in the front and a hot air blower at the rear end.

Keywords: Mechatronics; Floor cleaning; Vacuum cleaning; Hot air blower


Hygiene is the most important factor for a clean and healthy lifestyle. A clean surrounding contributes a greater aspect for a good health. So, it is necessary to keep the surroundings neat and clean. If you see it on a practical level, it can be said that cleanliness is related to hygiene and disease prevention. Household cleaning is a repetitive task carried out by a few people day by day. Hence there should be a bringing revolution in the field of science and technology which could help easily in repetitive tasks which we perform daily. And considering the intensity of labor that is required as well as improving the qualities to its optimum level.

Figure 1: Isometric View of the Robot.

There are many types of equipment which reduces the efforts of humans in cleaning. There are already several big bulky floor cleaning machines that are widely available at the market which is incapable of cleaning the remote areas which are out of reach Figure 1.
There are machines that can clean and machines that can dry but a machine which performs both functions is rare. Here comes the scope of the floor cleaning and drying equipment for household purposes. This project is to design and fabricate such a machine at an easy affordable price for usage in at every house. The floor cleaning device which we have designed is more compact and smaller in size than the usual model you see in the market. This floor cleaner comes with a vacuum cleaner in the front and a hot air blower at the rear end. The bottom part consists of a rotating mopping scrubber to clean detergent wet floor. The objective of this project is to design and fabricate a robotic vacuum cleaner with sweeper and blower unit which can save time in carrying out the cleaning process that too with optimum cost as well as minimum power consumption.


The model developed by us consisted of base stainless-steel plate and the above layer consisted of transparent glass the nozzles were made of plastic. The size of this robot was 30x30x50cm (LxBxH). The future robot for the consumer purpose can be made using a plastics or aluminum alloy

Figure 2: Detailed Parts.

A 3-D model of the product with accurate dimensions and tolerances was drafted using solid works software and the analysis was done for various stresses that could act on it and calculations were made in order to select the desirable capacity of the motor required for the smooth functioning of the device. Optimization of the product focuses delivering of an ergonomic, comparatively cheap and efficient cleaner and drier to the customer. The power drive for the scrubber is selected to be electric and to be driven by a single dc motor. Considerations for the storage and easy handlings are taken care. The cleaning brush is selected to be of industrial grade. The blower unit is also selected in such a way that power consumption was reduced as much as possible while keeping the machine in efficient working condition Figure 2.

The main parts highlighted in Figure 2 are

1. Heating coil
2. Suction pump
3. Control board
4. Suction nozzle
5. Water container
6. Blower nozzle
7. 2/2 normally open Solenoidal valve
8. omni wheels
9. Scrubber

PCB Layer

The PCB Layer consist of the ATMEGA 2560 Microprocessor which controls the robot, it consists of Sharp-IR sensors and ultrasonic sensors placed at different angles so that the robot can detect objects near it. The suction pump creates vacuum and sucks in the dirt. The air is then cleaned using filter and then passed to the heater coil where the air is heated up and then passed to the blower nozzle Figure 3.
The robot is powered by two powerful lithium-ion battery which can easily be recharged. For the sprinkling of water, solenoid valve is used Figure 4.

Figure 3: Block Diagram of the Cleaning and Blower Unit.

Figure 4: Detailed Bottom View.

Water Sprinkling System

The water sprinkling system of this robot consist of a water tank placed at higher level and a 2/2 solenoidal valve. As the tank is placed at the higher level the water flows due to gravity and potential energy. The valve is electrically actuated with the help of a RELAY which is controlled by the ATMEGA 2560 microprocessor Figure 5.

Figure 5: Water Sprinkling System.

Air Heating Process

Here the air sucked from the suction nozzle by suction pump is passed to the heating coil where the air is heated using a resistive coil and is then passed to the blower nozzle Figure 6.

Figure 6: Air Heating System.

Advantages of the Robot

1. It is completely autonomous
2. It has both vacuum cleaning and blower unit.
3. It has a water sprinkler to moisturize the floor for better cleaning
4. It requires less power as it uses single suction pump for both
5. Blower and vacuuming unit
6. It is light weight and flexible to use

 Read More Lupine Publishers Robotics Journal Articles: 

Friday, 4 February 2022

Lupine Publishers| The Old Doom of a New Technology

  Lupine Publishers| Journal of Robotics and Mechanical Engineering


Why do roboticists not content themselves with constructing useful machines, rather than also trying to endow them with anthropomorphic forms, even at the risk of compromising their functionality? What drives them to cover their machines with a latex coating to simulate human skin? The utopia of the creation of a double appears also in the world of art, the history of which shows, above all, an outcome that coincides with the abandonment of the naturalistic imperative, and the inauguration of various periods of exploration and innovation. That is why a possible Roboaesthetics – i.e., robotics and aesthetics combined – could give rise to a new scenario which, acknowledging the radical novelty of the species introduced, would induce the adoption of a new observation level, constructed on the basis of a common project.

The Utopia of The Double

With the construction of automata, mankind creates a projection of his own nature, generating artificial objects crowned, at times, with remarkable success, but often also with inevitable failure. For example, the use of wax – a malleable material par excellence¬– has been proposed as an expressive modality in the art world since the 13th century and they made impression even to Giorgio Vasari (Vasari, 1963:230) who saw them in the shop of Andrea Verrocchio. Butthey got rather limited success, presumably owing to its ambivalent effort to surpass the limits of symbolic representation only to reach or remain on the level of the most uncompromising realism. Subsequently, the unnerving wax – which, while capable of fooling the eye, also celebrated death – was replaced by ever-morerefined materials and technologies, enabling the construction of automata that seemed to give the illusion of transcending the very limits of man’s physical existence. Indeed, the step from wax statues to automata is shorter than one might think. Julius Schlosserin the fourth chapter of his Histoire du portrait en cire, notes a clear similarity in the motivations underlying both types of production [1]. They share, indeed, the same fault: a naïve realism and power of illusion that are impressive rather than expressive, thus inevitably sealing their fate (Figure 1). The literary world has always provided great support for such ventures, on the one hand descriptively anticipating the physical configuration that automata could have assumed, but, on the other, almost always emphasizing the indisputable superiority of their creator over them, because man, unlike any automaton, possesses a soul. Being soulless renders the automaton a total slave to human desiderata, to the extent that it is man who is the undisputed arbiter of the machine’s destiny, and who can freely decide to inflict upon it a paradoxically tragic and violent ‘human’ end. The three-century-old legend of the Golem of Prague, wrought from clay and supernaturally brought to life, has taken on an extraordinary current-day relevance; and technology not only seems fearless of ethical judgments, but also aims to produce robots (our modern-day automata) that put themselves forward as human doubles, perhaps to respond to the latent desire for perfection to which man has always aspired. However, if the written word continues to sustain the idea of man’s superiority over his ‘creatures’, technology goes beyond this idea, intuitively sensing that, thanks to man’s automata, it is perhaps becoming possible to appease the ancestral call for immortality and perfection. If, in the world of fiction, man is redeemed thanks to an undeniable chance series of events, technology remains untouched by problems of a metaphysical nature. Such issues as self-awareness and free will are irrelevant: automata are a truly favorable opportunity, not least because death and disease cannot touch them, because their inability to procreate keeps them, in some way, distant from either life or death.

There is one thing, however, that literature and technological reality have in common: they share the conviction that it is worth our while to attempt to repeat the history of the world, at an accelerated rate, trying not to omit anything essential. The risk of failing in the enterprise is evidently not a sufficient obstacle or deterrent to induce surrender. Whereas, in the 18th century, in addition to the disconcerting wax statues, there were artificial or ‘humanoid’ beings whose souls remained firmly in the hands of their creators, today’s roboticists design and construct robots that come very close to resembling human beings, in the attempt to endow them not with souls but with the greatest possible autonomy of thought. In fact, current-day anthropomorphism is becoming ever more demanding and ambitious in its production: it has now succeeded in creating not only movement, but also the morphing of limbs and facial features – both of which performances have made the eighteenth-century works of Jacques de Vaucanson and the Jacquet-Droz brothers pale into insignificance - and are strongly reminiscent of the golden maidens forged by the ancient Greek god Hephaestus (later identified with the Roman god Vulcan), whose creative abilities induced him, not to exceed nature by creating unprecedented forms, but to imitate its existing forms as closely as possible. Man, even with regard to his quest for a self-replica, gives evidence of having attained a certain evolutionary stability. He returns, from time to time, to the same old projects, applying, for their realization, procedures that are ever more sophisticated yet typical and recurrent; he takes into account his failures, yet is ready to run headlong into them again. He does not content himself with the robot-slave, with the machine-as-tool; but rather, infringing cultural limits and taboos, he once again sets out to realize his dream, which envisages, in the role of protagonist, a robot endowed with cognitive autonomy, and capable of feeling emotions.

Robotics Between Misconception and Market Requirements

One could argue that the roboticists’ insistence upon attempting to give their creations the likeness of human beings is perhaps intended as a sort of amusing pursuit dating from man’s ancestral origins, in which illusion and power are intermingled. It is also rea reasonable, however, to ask oneself what effects the interaction with anthropomorphic robots might have upon the average person, generally lacking coherent systems of representation regarding the principles of science and technology. Contemporary Western culture is guided largely by positivistic and pragmatic premises as opposed to theological and metaphysical issues. Nevertheless, it still shows great difficulty in assimilating rational and methodological criteria as a means of attaining well-balanced forms of public acceptance of scientific knowledge and technological products. The ease with which designers take for granted that an anthropomorphic robot should be more readily accepted is testimony to the widespread diffusion of the idea that mankind always needs to, and is always able to, reduce to the known, the familiar, the natural, even the most counter-intuitive scientific knowledge and the most complex technological innovations. In reality, we are dealing with processes that are often resolved with the reinstatement of myths intended as solutions to mysteries – such as entities with which, ultimately, we can interact by natural means, without running the risk of plunging into the abyss of ignorance or of the ‘radical other’. In other words, the technological double, thanks to its ‘natural’ form, represents a sort of unconditional surrender, on the part of technology, to a man who defines himself as a user, and who, continuing to take for granted the world and its objects, appears to have no intention of calling into question his own body of knowledge. If his acquired objects continue to work as expected, and their use continues to produce the results he expects, he has no need to ask further questions.

The natural look of robots – so it is thought – should further facilitate their acceptance. This explains, at least in part, the propensity of certain technologists to predict that robots, within twenty years, will inevitably be beautiful, gracious and polite. For example, according to Hirochika Inoue, who has been working on anthropomorphic robots for the past four decades, we shall, in the not-too-distant future, be aided by robots in all sorts of activities, and their size and appearance will certainly be a winning bet. This is the basis of his conviction that the reproduction of every human physical characteristic should be strictly functional for reaching the desired objective. The face should have eyes to see and ears to hear. There should be arms and hands to grasp and manipulate objects, and two legs (more versatile than wheels) to allow the robot to move around easily and avoid obstacles. The anthropomorphism of robots ultimately demonstrates that the designers themselves are perhaps channeling their efforts on the basis of an assumption that is overly simplistic, convinced that the physical feasibility of the technological device requires avoiding, at all costs, that which is in fact inevitable: the acceptance of its belonging to a constitutionally different ‘species’. The effort to assign human features to the machine, resorting to all sorts of materials, is therefore nothing other than the umpteenth miserable attempt to create an interlocutor that is not too distant, in terms of complexity, functionality and demands, from our own species.

Body and Soul

Undoubtedly, robots that behave intelligently, reproducing human sensorimotor abilities in response to a variable environment, and demonstrating the capacity to represent the world, just as we do, thanks to the processing of information filtered by heteroceptive sensory organs (of sight, hearing, touch and smell) and proprioceptive sensory organs (of position, movement and balance), are already a great achievement in their own right. Nevertheless, the desire for replication pushes us even further, inducing us, for example, to cover the mechanism with a warm, pink epidermis. All of this triggers reflection that abruptly carry us back to the thirteenth century – that is, back to the time of the waxen statues. However, in the case of modern-day robots, artificial skin is not only an added dimension, a simple integument, a sort of whole-body glove; it helps us to understand the most recent trends in anthropomorphism. Edmund Husserl – to whom we are indebted for some of his fundamental intuitions regarding matters of the body – distinguishes between Körper,the physical body, the somatic body for which we can provide an anatomical and physiological description, and Leib, the living body, the body in its entirety and not in its individual parts. Unlike the body intended as object or thing, the Leibis characterized by intentionality, thanks to which human beings establish a relationship with the world. While the Körperis bounded by the outermost layer of skin – a limit that encloses it as if in a sack – the Leib transcends this limit and opens itself to a world of meanings: a world endowed with sense [2]. While, on the one hand, the Cartesian distinction between body and soul – considering them as two metaphysically distinct realities – no longer holds sway as it once did, on the other hand, a conception of ‘living body’ incarnating the consciousness seems to be gaining ground. This conception would locate the robot, in the event of it exhibiting abilities to process sense and intentionality, in a dimension that is no longer only physical. The decision to cover the body of the robot with latex should not, however, be understood exclusively as a stratagem aimed, above all, at concealing its artificial otherness. Rather, such a choice indicates just how much the ‘being there’ of the robot is an event that engages it entirely, opening it ‘bodily’ to the world. Therefore, just as for the human being, whose skin constitutes the basis for his every psychological development – from the moment when separation from the mother is experienced by the newborn baby as a brusque laceration of a common skin – for the robot, too, the skin would function as a narcissistic shell, allowing it to represent itself as an ‘I’, able to assure its own equilibrium by relying on its own mental contents. It is obvious that if this were the case, we would be facing a sort of ‘hyper physics’ of mimesis, because the robot would be a nonmetaphysical double: a double that is not satisfied with a mere form and appearance, but which goes well beyond – in short, a body that presents itself to the world as a subject, an individuus.

Why the need for a Roboaesthetics?

The invisible sensors that simulate the natural sense of touch underline, in reality, the complexity of the human machine with respect to an artificial one. Notwithstanding the marvelous intricacy of each of the two systems – both natural and artificial – unbridgeable differences persist that should lead us to assume a critical position about the often-facile analogies between man and robot. In other words, the technology of ‘naturoids’ moves and operates within a natural environment, reproducing its processes (Negrotti 2012:3). For this reason, it is complementary to nature but does not substitute it in full: and at times it can enrich or complement nature only by attributing, to natural objects, properties and capacities that they do not in fact possess. Therefore, assuming that the ambition of modern-day engineers to construct a robot similar to a human being will one day be realized, it should be remembered that the original, the exemplar, will remain unchanged, and that even if the copy seems perfect, the man-mimicking robot will not be able to present all of man’s characteristics. In short, disappointment is just around the corner, and the destiny of Pygmalion is ready to repeat itself. An incredible paradox lies at the heart of all this. A statue that is no longer a statue, that is no longer cold and immobile is destined, like all human beings, to age, thus losing the only unique privilege it might have had. That of Pygmalion is one only among the many instances. All history of the art, starting from the fascinating Greek fables, develops around the replication myth and the ambiguity always present between the represented object and its natural exemplar. Therefore, we can maintain that the art is the only knowledge strategy able to provide to robotics an alternative to its replication ambition. This is due to two fundamental reasons. The first is the fact that the art has been the absolute domain of reflection on the imitation of nature. The second one is that it ended giving it up.

In other terms, the art shows the existence of limits for the replication that cannot be exceeded. The artist, by now, has freed himself from the obligation to confront to the object he wants to reproduce. The model he refers to is, so to say, exhaustive because the artist must not deceive anyone, he must not explain anything but his own poetics. This is a matter of a historical outcome that should not be neglected by the roboticians. Actually, they seem to perceive the discrepancies between the properties of the natural object and the ones of the robot, as a sign of a discouraging failure of a project. The following graphics clearly synthesizes this point. The continuum of positions on the time axis spans from the most rigorous representational conception to one more open to assign to the art an innovative, constructive and fantastic role, that is to say, characterized by the ability of the artist to go beyond the original object or even regardless of it. It is interesting to remark that the same axis can indicate the various options available to robotics. In fact, since the replication ambition of the anthropomorphic robotics is perfectly analogous to the representational efforts of the art, it makes sense to ask if robotics could get a useful lesson from the development of the art and its abandonment of the replication utopia. In fact, giving up the replica obsession “the design space opens without limits” [3]. In short, then, in the light of the intuitively insurmountable limits of artificial production, we may ask: is a ‘figurative’ robotics really worth pursuing, or might an ‘abstract’ robotics – or at least one freed from the obsession for replication that has so long afflicted the world of art – be just as seductive? We can deduce that the answers to these questions are not to be found in the suggestions advanced by this or that expert on aesthetics nor, least of all, in the ideas of the latest up-and-coming guru from the fashion world, nor in the often rather gloomy fantasies of the mass-media nor, for the moment, in the sinuous humanizing forms promoted by the Ars Robotica. On the contrary, robotics and art in association could potentially open up a new scenario which, considering the radical novelty of the new ‘species’, could attain a level of observation based on a common project. If, on the one hand, the unification of several levels of observation of reality – in this case, that of robotics and art – entails a depletion of the original levels, on the other hand, it has the power to produce an enhancement of the new level because, during the process of synthesis, the levels are invariably transformed into a totally new perceptive and attributive configuration. It is obvious, indeed, that a robot with extrinsic ornamentations exhibits a makeshift embellishment, based on a propensity for Utopian or merely didactic imitation, without any attempt to grasp and interpret the new reality that the robot heralds – a reality that is, in other ways, insistently but generically propagandized as revolutionary and unprecedented. Endowing robots with human features certainly does not appear to depend ultimately on a concept that considers non-human constraints, but above all the added extras of the technology available, as novel elements worthy of exploration and development. For example, what does the fact that a robotic wrist that might easily be permitted to turn through 360 degrees, as opposed to our mere 180 degrees, entail with regard to the aesthetic correspondence between natural movement and artificial movement? It is obvious that an accentuated anthropomorphism cannot but lead to a shrivelled, non-flowering branch of robotics: a new, more spectacular phase, but one which is essentially identical to the automata tradition of past centuries. With regard to both the potential performance and the aesthetic appearance of a robot, the determination to make it a surrogate of man would actually end up limiting its potentialities. A robot with an extendable neck, for example, would prove rather more strategic, in many practical circumstances, than would a mere simulacrum of the human body, complete with its inherent limits of movement. From an aesthetic point of view, on the other hand, it cannot but be conceived of in wholly different terms from those of the ordinary man, thus creating, in this case, amongst other things, an interesting parallel with the poetic art of Amedeo Modigliani or of Picasso in, for example, the portrait of Marie Thérèse, in which he cuts the face in two, bringing out the nose and one of the eyes, thus forming a face that seems to appear simultaneously face-on and in profile.

Why should the hands necessarily respect the human form? The depiction of the fingers of Christ in Lorenzo Lotto’s fresco The Legend of Saint Barbara opens fascinating prospects of an uncommon prehensility, revealing the artist’s extraordinary creative and expressive power. Suggestive vistas could open up for art and anthropomorphic robotics together, based upon their common dependence on the desire to imitate. Just as in figurative art, in which the comparison between art and nature has long conditioned the expressivity, so, in anthropomorphic robotics, the attempt to surpass the confines between artifact and nature is proving, from both conceptual and factual points of view, to be a highly conditioning limit. Designers of anthropomorphic robotics must bear in mind, first of all, that the truly decisive changes in art have always occurred in relation to corresponding changes in conceptions regarding the relationship between art and nature: the less interest there is in replicating the natural exemplar, the greater is the degree of transfiguration. Therefore, if it is true, as we believe, that the faithfulness to nature in art has impeded, for a certain period of time, new trans figurative and creative possibilities, then the beautiful and elegant robots, pursuing the illusory presumption of making robots into true doubles of man could, in the end, reawaken the same type of disappointment that drove artists to abandon every obstinate project of replication [4]. Finally, how could we not fear repeating the error that Jacob Burchkardt made in dismissing the proportions of the figure of the Parmigianino’s long-necked Madonna as an unbearable affectation? The idea that art should be respectful of nature’s forms prevented Burchkardt from grasping the novel character presented by the work, and from appreciating, as a consequence, the creative power of its author, who knew how to renounce the idea of faithfulness to the natural figure in the name of a transfiguration of high poetic content. There seem to be good arguments, therefore, to justify the proposal for the introduction of Roboaesthetics: on the one hand, the recovery of the reflections and reassessments that have occurred, if only occasionally, in the history of art; and on the other, the study of the genuine ‘nature’ and genuine evolutive aptitudes that robots may realistically achieve.

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